
Monday 5 November 2012


Image editing is a process of altering or changes the images it ay be digital, analog photographs.
it is also known as image/ photo retouching.
graphic software may be divided into two parts:
  1. vector graphic editor
  2. raster graphic editor
RASTER IMAGES are stored in the form of grid of elements or pixels.
VECTOR IMAGES are stored in the form of lines,beizer spline, and text.


computer image editing program offer some basic program that often making changes in the image enchancement feature that correct the color and brightness of the image. such as red eye removal, cropping of image...


many images use data compression technique to reduce the size and space of storing the image.
when image are stored in JPEG format the compression is automatically done.
some compression algorithm are used such as those used PNG format they donot lose and imformation when file is saved. 
while when the JPEG format are used having more compression and more information is lost.
while when the JPG format uses the knowledge way the human eye percieve color to make this loss of detail less noticiable.



In this can resize the image in a process called IMAGE SCALING making them larger or smaller. it is used a mathematical process called resampling to calculate the pixels.


In this the unwanted part of the image is removed, the resolution of the area cropped is not reduced.
the main reson for cropping is to improve the image composition in the new image.


it is a feature of adding or removing noise from an image.when extra image noise is removed from the image it increases the quality of the image.and exessive noise reduction loss the detail of the application.


In this editor having color swapping technique for changing the color of a particular image in many time and sowing many different color.


image editor are capable of altering and rotating the image in any direction at any degree. In this mirror images is also created and images can be flipped horizontally or vertically.


graphic programs can be used to sharpen and blur the this EDGE ENHANCEMENT is mainly used to sharpen the images.

Wednesday 26 September 2012


A wireless Sensor network can be effectively used as a tool for gathering data in various situations provided it works with a large number of sensor nodes. It is desirable to make these nodes as cheap and energy-efficient as possible and rely on their large numbers to obtain high quality results. Network protocols must be designed to achieve fault tolerance in the presence of individual node failure while minimizing energy consumption. In addition, since the limited wireless channel bandwidth should be shared among all the sensors in the network, the protocols hired for these networks should be able to perform all the functions well and reduce the bandwidth requirements. One of the major issues in wireless sensor networks is developing an energy efficient routing protocol which has a significant impact on the overall lifetime of the sensor network. Therefore a communication protocol named LEACH (Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy) is proposed that partitions the networks into clusters and cluster nodes. LEACH is the first hierarchical cluster-based routing protocol for wireless sensor network which partitions the nodes into clusters, in each cluster a dedicated node with extra privileges called Cluster Head (CH) is responsible for creating and manipulating a TDMA (Time division multiple access) schedule and sending aggregated data from nodes to the BS where these data is needed using CDMA (Code division multiple access). Thus extends the lifetime. It is experimentally proven that this protocol works well in power minimization.


The widespread congestion in networking and security systems that works on wired cable
transmission has showed a great demand for the development of a technology that works on
removing these wanes. . So wireless technology was invented by which the advancement in the field of networking and communication arena took place.Wireless technology creates a network by sending 
radio-frequency signals between your computers to share information. It does not use any
wire and all the computers broadcast their information to one another using radio signals. Wireless solutions provide benefits by allowing users to access shared information, e-mail, and applications without the constraints of a wired connection. Further, wireless technology allows network managers to set up or augments networks without installing or moving wires. The major drawback is that wireless is a public frequency network therefore its interface is highly risky to be used for private information. These signals are even prone to disrupt by the infrared and radio signals. One of the major concerns surrounding wireless solutions is security. 
wireless security may be separted into two components:
  1. authenticating wireless network users which ensure that only authorized users are on the network.
  2. by encrypting data as it transfers between users and devices.                                                                            


    1. It is convient to use by user.It is used for radio programes, mobile phones i.e. BLUETOOTH  and computer network.

    2. No doubt wireless network is an amazing wireless technology which has totally changed the means of communication.

    3. It has become the significant option of any business because of its salient features like speed, security and mobility. The future of wireless technology is indeed bright. FIG 1.shows the example of mobility.



    FIG :1